Monday, February 25, 2013

All the Single Ladies!

While Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was written over 200 years ago, we can still look to her and her characters for modern dating advice. Take, for instance, the short relationship between Lizzy and Wickham.  Although the two didn’t formally court, they still had a relationship worth reviewing, and learning from.  Here are some helpful tips for not falling under the spell of player.
The first step: meeting the man (or woman) of your dreams.  You may ask yourself where you should start looking for a new relationship.  People try all sorts of methods to meet new men and women, such as “hitting up the club,” or going out for drinks with some friends.  Other people go on online dating websites to find new people.  Unlike the ads may make you believe, the online dating scene isn’t exactly the perfect place to find someone special.  People lie on the internet, there, I said it.  Hopefully the internet doesn’t come crashing down on me.  Some of the best relationships are those that form naturally, from friendships or acquaintanceships.  However, if you’re not able to break out of the friend-zone and really want to meet someone new, try looking around your everyday life.  Lizzy and Wickham meet on the road during a walk to Meryton, and they were formally introduced by Officer Denny, a friend of the Bennets.  This is a prime example of how to meet someone new.  Talk to new people in your surroundings.  Why not go up and talk to that cute guy at your regular coffee shop?  What have you got to lose?  Another great way of meeting new people is through mutual friends.  Go to house warming parties, superbowl parties, Oscar viewings, anything you can.  If the new person has your friend’s approval, it should be a good sign.
…Now what?  Once you have snatched up a new guy or gal in your life, you need to make sure that the relationship is going to last.  After all, we don’t have any time to waste, now do we?  Get to know your new beau by talking to them.  Have some one-on-one time to get to know their likes, interests, ambitions, etc.  However, use caution.  Do not take after Lizzy and blindly believe anything that comes out of your significant other’s mouth.  Get to know them through other people, like their friends and family.  Do some fact checking, and catch up on the gossip.  However, please don’t be rude about it.  Your knight in shining armor may not be all that he seems, but if everything is as it should be, you don’t want to ruin the relationship by insulting him by crossing lines and “spying.”  Another note to the wise, don’t solely rely on their Facebook status updates and their Tweets to get an accurate portrayal of them, because like I said before, people lie on the internet.  While you do your investigating, take the relationship slowly; don’t jump into bed with someone you don’t know yet.  Once you know that you can trust them, and that they are truly a good person, you should then, and only then, take the relationship to the next level.
If you want to have a Lizzy and Darcy relationship, rather than a Lizzy and Wickham catastrophe, please follow these helpful hints.  Once you find a new person that satisfies all of your conditions, and is not a pathological liar, then I sincerely wish you well for your future.

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